Monday, August 30, 2010

Visual Inspiration

     My visual style as a film maker comes from many places. To me film is an art that uses light, color, sound, and movement to tell a story. It conveys emotion in a way that no other medium can using all these elements. 
     I love to use color, whether it is the powerful statement of a black and white image or an onslaught of bright bold colors. The smallest details can completely change the mood of the image. Bright colors can evoke a sense of energy and excitement. Soft, muted colors create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. The choice of color used in a background or in a character's wardrobe can completely change the emotion of a scene regardless of the dialogue.

     Light is a powerful tool in creating an image. It can be used to create highlights and shadows that emphasize the emotion of a character, create intrigue, or turn a live action image in to a work of art.
     One image that caught my attention was in the film Girl With A Pearl Earring. It is a shot of the lead actress Scarlett Johansson recreating the painting by Vermeer. The way the light is captured by the camera creates the illusion the audience is looking at a painting instead of a photograph. To me this image represents how much film is influenced by other form of art.

     Nature is also a great source of inspiration for me. A beautiful sunset can speak volumes and creates a unique blend of light and shadow and color that can only be seen in that particular moment.

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